(added May 2014)
John McVicker
There was no new album for
seven years then you've got 2 new albums, true
to form HANGMEN. You have to be different don't
you ?
Well, it’s not a conscious effort to do
things differently, just never accepted or
followed the typical band strategies - question
everything. We don’t see a need to follow other
peoples footsteps and to be honest a lot of the
courses some bands take is bandwagon jumping,
predictable, so we don’t do it. We just want our
stuff to be our stuff, play it well to our own
satisfaction - then for it to find the right
people, or vice versa. I think we’ve proved you
don’t have to follow a trail that isn’t really
your own or that you have do what is expected.
As for new albums the industry has had a big
shake up since downloading really took off, one
thing that we put off for too long and then took
ages to fix was determining who owned rights to
what and where, then working out how to legally
secure and protect it. We’ve not exactly been
the most industry friendly band to deal with and
we never had great distribution, so we got hit
hard by piracy online and otherwise. Then we
didn’t want to play new material live for it to
be badly recorded on fucking phone-cameras and
dumped all over the worldwide web before we’d
even got a crack at recording it properly. It
all kind of put us off.
What is fundamentally wrong with music media is
that people go see live music after hearing
records and base expectations on that, it was
once the other way round and that’s how we
approach it.
Labels offer to re-release our old stuff,
re-issue it, compile collections and all that to
make a bit of money, we continue to write and
play new stuff so if we’ve put most of that old
material behind us we don’t want to know, so
wherever possible we’ve gone for artistic
control instead of using tired old showbiz
tactics to scrape in a few quid.
There’s been a couple of re-issue things come
out on iTunes etc. some with outside ownership,
which we have to accept. Original
Sins was discussed with the label
owner prior to it’s download release as we
weren’t sure about the contractual shit and how
it related to downloading which wasn’t really
thought of at the time. We won’t see a penny off
the downloads for it but that label settled
their part the bargain with us long ago, we’ve
already had all we asked for from that deal so
no hard feelings and good luck.
We had no choice but to make downloads available
legally, the alternative was to be exploited
forever by faceless people who’ve done fuck all
but set up some home bootlegging operation, or
‘sharing’ as it’s too nicely called these days.
They’re starving bands out of existence so we
all end up losing not just the bands themselves,
no one wants to invest work, time and money for
fuck all I don’t care what anyone says about
doing it purely for the music and exposure,
they’d soon give up if it were them and
certainly wouldn’t last twenty odd years. It
wasn’t about making money, now there are codes
embedded in the tracks that identify the legal
owners to the music and recordings which is more
important to us. The work is all ours, years of
it, letting parasites come along and claim it
for their own ends without any recognition is
not an option, and if they’re ripping profit out
of it maybe one day they’ll get screwed by the
copyright societies. If it’s marked and
registered as ours then they can’t claim any of
it for themselves so that was the main reason.
To be fair
Exhumed &
isn’t a studio
album project
like the others,
as they all
represent a
stage or era in
the bands
development that
you can pin
down. It’s to
fill gaps in
collections with
stuff that isn’t
available and
sort of give a
behind the
scenes glimpse.
It had been
suggested to us
a lot over the
years, after
some hesitation
we got together
recordings we
What we didn’t
want to do was
compile a ‘best
of’ or re-issue
an old album, it
had to be a
collection that
something extra
not a cash in.
If we wanted to
cash in we could
and would have
allowed the
other albums to
remain on the
market or be
re-compiled long
ago. It’s more
about exclusive
band picks than
top picks,
within the
guidelines that
we set ourselves
we are putting
out what we want
not necessarily
what the pop
pickers would
want. I use the
word pop with
tongue rammed
firmly in cheek
I think
Exhumed &
achieves what it
was meant to do,
which is present
a less disclosed
side of the band
to people who
have the other
albums - demos
so they get a
feel for how we
get to where
we’re going with
stuff and
released singles
tracks that
weren’t part of
an album project
before – and
were unavailable
as such - but
which also seem
to gel with the
other tracks and
of the band
today. We all
agreed it worked
fine as an
album, agreed on
the title then
that was the
green light.
We had to push
for a CD release
as it was
sponsored for
download only,
but I’m happy to
say the CDs have
outsold the
downloads. It’s
a limited CD
edition so at
some point that
may change as
true to form it
won’t be
As for the other
album you refer
to, that is a
whole new album
project but
won’t be out for
some time. We
are allowing
ourselves the
luxury of
working at our
own pace meaning
we do a little,
leave it then
revisit what’s
been done after
a break, have a
think about it -
and if we think
it could be
better we
As we speak,
we’d began
recording seven
new numbers but
after revisiting
them we will be
tweaking some
things and
starting again.
For a change I’m
enjoying the
process as
there’s no clock
ticking and with
the help of the
other band
members some
twists are being
added to the
concepts – so
I’m not in a
hurry to just
get it over with
for a change. We
are playing some
of them live
Another reason
that it’s been
so long is that
this is a band
that is
itself, the
ideas that
haven’t been
spent take
longer to come
and then meet
our approval.
More and more
stuff gets
thrown out.
I believe all of
our albums have
an evolved feel
to them and
their own vibe
They each mark a
period of
evolution, when
the time is
right to
conclude each
period an album
clinches it and
allows us to
relax a little.
Having said all
that, it’s still
a rock n’ roll
bands album
that’s coming
up! Raw and
uncluttered. The
carries the mood
of the band on
another step.
This line up seems pretty stable.
It’s a great working unit for new material, a lot of experience, taste and creative talent on board. There is 3 way input and feedback, as opposed to some fucking duffers who just say ‘tell me what you want and I’ll play it’.
I come up with the base ideas then the others will take things, change things, suggest things, sometimes even insist on changing things. I find that sometimes a change is an improvement that adds something, sometimes it is just a different way neither better or worse but I do take their input seriously – which had been quite rare ha!
I want that, I don’t want ‘yes’ men no matter how good they can play, I want the ideas and suggestions and for them to own their part of it. I’m just a guitarist and focus on that, hit them with the basics and off they go. Sometimes they’ll suggest I change my own parts as well, and I can do the same with them. It should all bear out in the mood and character of the next album, like all the other albums have their own sort of progressive stamp, which is what we all ultimately want to achieve. The elusive masterpiece on our terms – ha!
When you're not
gigging what do
you lot do?
Collectively we have basic similar interests, the obvious - bands, music, records, horror stuff, serial killers...beyond that common ground you can ask them, they have minds and voices of their own. It usually seems to be me that is approached to speak for them, I do think they deserve more credit than they get for what they bring to the band.
Song-writing and working on new material goes on which obviously we all do as and when at a pace we find comfortable.
When we’re not
personally I
indulge in my
other lifelong
passion of drag
racing, I’ve
given that a bit
more of a
priority in
recent years,
more than I used
to when the band
was running
hectic live
schedules year
in year out.
And any idea what your ex members have gone on
Not really, most still play in some capacity or
other I gather. I do remain good friends with
most of them contrary to popular rumour! I’ve
had the odd jam session too, just as friends do.
It was a privilege to play with some of them and
one or two really helped forge the band onwards
and left their legacy.
The bands progress was hit badly by a lot by
line-up upheavals for a few years, usually
caused by very understandable personal
circumstances or else internal issues, poor team
attitudes rather than musical ability. If
someone wants to fuck people about they can go
fuck people about under another name. Get with
it or get out.
When you’re in a band you can’t put yourself
first, you have to put yourself out for people
and work on your part, you can’t sit on your
arse suiting yourself until some opportunity you
really like the sound of gets handed to you by
people who are doing all the graft. I think one
or two were chancing their luck on whether the
balls were there to restructure yet another
time, poor timing and everything else playing a
part or even thinking the band would suffer a
setback without them so they could get away with
some shit – well, don’t fuck with firewalkers!
If it wasn’t going forward there was no point,
“Don’t stick it out kick it out - nothing to get
sick about” as the song goes.
Your first release was on
Rockhouse in 1991. Do you ever listen
to that material?
No. I don’t really like revisiting the bands
past musically and that album was made too soon,
we were a bunch of rookies who didn’t really
know what we were doing. We had been formed less
than a year and weren’t really prepared for an
album, we had no idea how to go about recording
it, and if we had no clear concept then the
studio had no chance with a band like us. We
thought we were demo-ing for a six track mini LP
and wrote a lot of the stuff on that album in
the studio, got drunk and just went for it.
We re-recorded some of it some years later,
really just trying to right the wrongs, at
Paul Fenech's studio with the man himself
at the desk and with obviously better results.
That session was also offered a release but it
would have been a backward step and just a cash
in so we turned it down. We had ‘No
Happy Endings’ in the pipeline at
the time so didn’t want the past creeping back
as we moved forward. A couple of the
re-recordings appeared as bonus tracks on the
No Happy Endings vinyl
picture disc, purely because they were firm
favourites with the label owner who’d been a fan
since the first album and who was also a great
guy so we let him have them.
From Original Sins
onwards I think it’s reasonably decent sounding
stuff. Last Train and
Tested On Animals are
popular still and have better songs by far than
the first one but they just didn’t represent the
band sound-wise.
Of all your releases which
was the best deal and which release are you
happiest with sound wise?
Cacklefest! album. I
also really like The Curse,
really proud of that song and my own performance
on it. I don’t think we could have written,
played or sang that one any better. Mix wise,
although there’s nothing wrong with it - it gets
the mood perfectly, there’s a couple of riffs
that could have been brought out a touch more,
I’m talking a couple of seconds worth! But I’m
never 100% happy, always hear things that could
have been tweaked for my own personal
satisfaction but I’ve long accepted that is a
fact of recording that sits with everyone who
does it. You always think it could be better
afterwards but I’d hate to make a clinically
‘perfect’ recording though, there’d be no charm.
What's been your favourite
tour /country you played in?
I couldn’t say, it’s just been fucking great
most of the time - it wouldn’t be fair on those
I missed out to name one.
It takes a lot of work to host a band on tour or
a festival and many promoters we have worked
with have been fantastic, not necessarily grand
- in fact far from it in a lot of cases - but
just a pleasure to meet and work with and have
fun with.
I can’t even remember how many countries that
involves or how many times for some of them. We
could once get around nine countries in
succession across both sides of the Atlantic,
the latest one was down to five I think. The sad
thing is that at that extreme you can lose some
recollection so sometimes you aren’t totally
sure where you have been for a while, you just
don’t get time to process it.
Really, it’s not a geographical thing. The best
times are the best times because of the people
involved and the audiences not their nationality
or whereabouts. There is no rock n’ roll
Any funny on the road
stories you can share?
Hundreds probably. Depends on your sense of
One thing I've always
admired the HANMEN for is you always seem
happy to go your own way.
Happy may not be the right word! It can be a
bloody hard work for less reward compared to
just going with the flow. Sometimes it means
missing out, or some hardship or other - but we
won’t depend on anybody, except maybe the people
who want to hear us play - but hey we were once
playing before we were ever heard! So we’d
still have happened without you world, tough
What about your own label
,releasing other peoples material. How well
did that Lost Souls CD sell ?
It sold quickly but was
pulled after 500 copies as the band weren’t
happy with the recordings, as a band we
respected that where a label would want its
investment realised. I should add that two
versions of that album were recorded, the
Lost Souls had control over the
recordings and weren’t happy with either version
– although the frequency issue on the release
wasn’t present in the original recordings they
felt the performance wasn’t good enough on the
original. Legally we could have ignored their
wishes and made more money back but that’s not
how we roll. Basically we were gigging with them
a lot and it seemed no-one wanted to catch that
band at a time when they were really shining, we
had some cash from Last Train To
Purgatory so we stepped up.
Sadly they never got their satisfaction in the
end, which again I can relate to!
There was talk of a re-issue in recent years as
I still feel that band is too overlooked in the
psychobilly archives, but in the end it never
Most bands these days self-release, a first
album at least. It’s a lot easier, cheaper and
common-place than when we tried it with our
second album. We just felt we already had direct
contact with our audience by then, mailing list,
gigs and everything, so we could do it without
complicating things with labels and publishers,
and actually get something out of it, so we did.
It was a lot harder back then to do it, not a
lot of help around and the labels were still
largely in control.
We knew nothing really, we had to look into
recording studios, pressing licences, bar
coding, artwork, mastering, pressing,
distribution - the lot. These days there’s
companies that do all that for you but we had to
ring round lots of businesses step by step
asking where the fuck to even start. Then when
the albums finally turned up they weren’t even
assembled! A box with the discs in, another with
the cases, another with the trays, another with
the booklets, tray cards – so we even had to put
every one together and find boxes to ship them
out in! It took months! It sold out really fast
and ordering more was a very reluctant move
after that!
We learned a lot from that and it affected how
we’d approach deals thereafter. I think the
first two albums were just us learning, the
third was really the beginning of what the band
was to become.
Or playing not typically
psycho gigs is that for a reason?
When we began there was barely a Psychobilly
scene left at all so it wasn’t like we rode a
crest of any wave, we just went out and played
wherever invited us, so we’ve never known any
different. Every time we played we got more
offers and it’s just gone on like that over the
Since the renaissance we are still something of
an outsider band, don’t really know why but it’s
never been a problem for us as our fanbase is
probably 50/50 inside and outside of the ‘scene’
so we’re not reliant. Obviously we have a very
strong and valued connection - but as you
suggest it also doesn’t pass un-noticed that we
are kind of persona non grata with some of that
scene, a lot of people are puzzled about it and
we can’t really answer them.
Some, certainly not all, but many clearly very
active Psychobilly promoters seem conspicuously
happy to book every band old and new from near
and far, year in year out - except THE HANGMEN!
I remember we once named a tour U
underworld Underdogs as a kind of finger up to the scene that
was blanking us. We’ve even had promoters asking us to change
our bookings if dates clashed with their gigs nearby so that
their turnout didn’t take a hit. If they had never booked us or
had any intention of booking us we’d just tell ‘em tough shit.
Maybe we should have a farewell gig or tour so
we can hype up some come-back, or lie and say we
played the Klub Foot.
Or have a more stylish publicity photo, posing
and wearing the latest look, wear costumes and
shit with jugglers and circus animals or
something, have stunt riders on stage with us
and put creating music to one side. Or maybe
just even have a publicity photo at all.
We did have a disturbing clown get up and freaky
show start-up a few times which was fun, many
years ago – three or four times maybe and very
randomly. It quickly seemed to be getting an
expected part of it all so we dropped it. People
would say they were disappointed that we hadn’t
done it when they came out to hear us play,
which just proved it was distorting things and
becoming a gimmick.
If we split then staged a come back we would do
the comeback the day after the farewell concert.
That would be our style, take the piss out of
all that showbiz shit.
I won’t tar that whole genre with the same brush
because we have had hundreds of great
experiences with many promoters – and bands and
audiences - over the years and remain on great
terms with them all socially as well. We
certainly wouldn’t have achieved anywhere near
as much without that scene support that’s for
sure - we owe a huge debt of selective
gratitude, but we also know where to direct it.
Apart from getting back in touch with some
promoters - if we’re planning to hit the road
and their location would fit in - we don’t
really chase gigs and work by invite only, maybe
that’s part of it but I do like to think we are
good to work with and we have had some promoters
actually writing thank you letters and offering
themselves as references over the years.
We’re aware that some fucking clueless posers
accuse us of slagging off psychobilly to stir up
some contempt, but they’re obviously talking out
of their arses. I mean, seriously!? Stir up
contempt against us by all means – but stick to
the facts. THE HANGMEN pre-date them,
out-distance them, out-gig them and will
probably outlive them. Fuck ‘em.
Personally I enjoy playing out of the comfort
zone, pulling off a good gig to a
non-Psychobilly crowd is very rewarding, you
have to walk without crutches and prove yourself
as a band like it’s your first ever gig not the
800th. We don’t try any less for any type of
crowd, it’s always the hope to play our best
ever gig - but it’s good to feel unknown and
still rock a place. Punk and biker promoters and
audiences have been great to play for in
particular, we suit rowdy types. We have
interest and compliments from all walks of life
and tastes of band watchers, it surprises me
I’ve heard people say they don’t like
psychobilly but they like THE HANGMEN, and then
there are some that will say the exact opposite!
It’s a hate us or rate us type of thing, which I
like as it means we’re judged as a band not on
how comparable we are with the rest of the pack.
To be incomparable means that we are distinctive
and if we weren’t we’d be wasting our time. You
either get The Hangmen or you don’t. Either way
is good, it’s good to challenge peoples tastes
and conceptions and be too much for them to
If we pleased the masses we’d be getting it
wrong, we’d be part of the lowest common
denominator like pop music. Interchangeable and
devalued. Pointless.
What’s interesting to me is that most people who
like our stuff like all of it to some degree
despite the evolvement, whatever is at the core
of it works - no matter how far apart some stuff
is you know exactly who you’re hearing from the
word go. As Kill 'em Gillham prefers to say it
just is what it is, and I’ll say we are all in
What’s been your best
experience of being in the HANGMEN?
Where do I start!? Had shitloads of great
experiences. The real reward is just playing the
bands stuff really, and not having to put on any
pretence for the sake of a show or answer to
anybody. I’ve tried out playing in other bands,
I still get asked fairly regularly but it does
nothing for me. A few ex-members have also
commented that they had never had, nor have
found since anything like playing in THE
HANGMEN. Hard to describe but we all know what
we mean! It’s kind of it’s own entity. For
better or worse maybe!
Another perk is seeing some great bands that
through no fault of their own will probably
never be heard of outside their locality, nor
get a release deal or even last more than a
couple of years but they were great, the
underdog bands who send out hundreds of demos
and fight to get on bills because they just want
to play their own thing in some dive of a club.
A band from New York pestered a promoter in
Toronto to be on the bill with us, well they got
the gig, bottom billing, unpaid and drove all
the way there and back and still did it and they
were great. They probably split a long time ago
but like many of those bands I still remember
them! I’ve enjoyed and admired a lot of bands
I’d never have been around to see if it weren’t
for The Hangmen getting out there. We seem to
attract weirdo eccentric rock n roll bands as
supports, maybe that’s the secret – birds of a
feather and all that. Unfortunately me liking a
band seems to be the kiss of death for their
popularity, but whenever I could get a demo or
something off the really good ones I would. And
I still play them.
Would you change anything?
No. Even when hindsight shows that something was
a bad move, it obviously had to be tried. The
bad bits, the challenges you don’t need, they
help you appreciate the good bits even more.
What does the future hold
New material same as always, when the new
material is all fired up and in the can we’ll
want to get out more and deliver it live as it
should be. Personally I’d like to be out playing
live more but not to the insane schedules we
used to try and keep to, a hundred gigs a year
or something isn’t going to happen.
Where would you like to
play that you haven't?
Hells Vagina. As resident band.